Why do we have a recycling mess?
4 mins read

Why do we have a recycling mess?

You promised me beauty a place with clean air
A promise you always intended to betray

Instead of an honest system of rule and of play
You gave us instead tons of trash and despair

What is so wrong with none to repair
Empty promises you continue to air

Clean up this mess you help to create
Or stand aside while the people belay


It may come as a surprise to most readers but did you know that most of the recyclables you spend your time and energy in sorting, storing and recycling is not being recycled and instead is ending up in the landfill anyways.

Citizen Vatch proposes our leaders get up to speed with this problem and actually do something about this problem with simple policies such as a “Responsible Packaging Act.” There is no reason we as a society cannot demand a responsible policy of recyclable friendly materials and for our representative to put in into law.

If the people are the one’s who have to make this happen then it really questions the need for a large Government of elected representatives when we the people can run our communities ourselves with direct public voting on our issues when leaders don’t lead. The future seems to be going in this direction with each and every failure to take action by our representatives. They are our representatives, not our leaders and I for one have never and will never give my power away by trusting others to do the right thing and I would implore you the reader of this article to not give away your power either by standing up and saying “It is unacceptable” to fail to run our community as the community see’s fit and insists upon. It is their duty to represent the majority and the majority that has been screaming for a fix to this mess for decades.

Citizen Vatch proposes a “Responsible Packaging Act.” An that specifies that within 2 years all packaging materials at the consumer and food level if packaged to be in packaging that is 100% recyclable. If a product cannot be responsibly packaged then the next part of this Act is the right to return all non recyclable packaging back to the store that sold it and eventually back to the manufacturer who is responsible for it’s existence in the first place for responsible recycling. Yes the people who are producing it and using it to their commercial benefit will be the ones who must recycle their products responsibly and not place the burden on billions of citizens at the individual level. The current system does not work and has never worked as any intelligent and a conscious public can attest to and the fact that this pollution production continues, especially in our oceans is the undeniable and the inexcusable proof.

I guarantee our plastic and foam disposable problem will disappear and we all can breathe a clean sigh of relief that this simple practice is finally being addressed and addressed responsibly. It cannot always be for our convenience or the convenience of businesses when it comes to pollution and with this simple change in policy the industry will step up and produce either a bio-degradable product or a self recycling mechanism for non bio-biodegradable product.

Cast your vote and support Citizen Vatch in this simple approach to clean up after ourselves with easily to dispose of packaging and containers. If they don’t fix it we will and we wont need them moving forward will be our message.

This is the land of the people, the right of the people and the power of the people.

Sign the Petition here: https://chng.it/btSpGn88Dh